Paul H. Umfleet

Born November 16, 1945, Paul H. Umfleet lived and worked in historic Vincennes IN until he married Ann in 1989. He then moved across the Wabash River to Lawrenceville IL. Although his degree is in another art form (music),since 1989 Paul has concentrated his artistic efforts on creating decorative woodcarvings. Behind their home Paul's small studio is nestled in a lovely flower garden that is Ann's chief project. Here Paul has turned a hobby into a livelihood. Starting with local craft fairs Paul quickly expanded to fine art shows in Indiana and Illinois where his carvings have won several awards. His carvings have been shown in art galleries around IL including the Illinois Artisan Shop in Chicago. Several quality art and gift shops, including the Illinois State Museum Store, have carried his carvings. Paul is probably best known around the mid-west for his "Old World Style" Santa carvings. In fact, many refer to him as "Santa Man". On a wider scale around the world his shore bird decoys are more recognized.